For Immediate Release
January 28, 2025
Dede Laugesen
[email protected]
Retreat Isn’t an Option Given Sharia-supremacism Here
WASHINGTON, D.C.— This morning, the host of War Room Pandemic and co-founder of the Victory Coalition, Stephen K. Bannon, shared his platform with two other original members: Frank Gaffney, former acting Reagan Assistant Secretary of Defense and John Guandolo, former FBI counterterrorism special agent.
Their mission was to provide much needed context and truth-telling about the nature and magnitude of the danger posed by Sharia-supremacists globally, including here at home. This special coverage will resume live at during the 6:00 p.m. ET hour this evening.
A prime example of the failure to tell such truths is that fact that, since at least 9/11, the public has been told America confronts “terrorists” who inexplicably use violence against us and others. Actually, the perpetrators are overwhelmingly Muslims who adhere to the Islamic totalitarian doctrine of Sharia and who follow its dictates to engage in jihad to terrify and conquer.
The good news is that not all Muslims practice Sharia. The bad news is that the authorities of the faith and many millions of their co-religionists do – including those waging war to the death against our ally, Israel. They seek to inflict the same on us as we, like the Israelis, stand in the way of the realization of their goal of global Islamic domination.
If we are to survive, let alone prevail, we must address and act on these hard realities.
Unfortunately, as Mr. Gaffney noted in an article entitled “Trump Was Not Elected to Sound Retreat” published today by the Gatestone Institute, there are some who have recently been appointed to senior Defense Department policymaking roles whose views do not appear to be informed by those or other realities. That is all the more ironic insofar as they describe themselves as “realists” who favor “restraint.” In fact, their policy prescriptions are more aligned with retreat than Donald Trump’s sensible caution in the commitment of U.S. forces and resources but willingness to use them decisively when necessary.
The Victory Coalition believes that the second Trump presidency and its pursuit of the national security interests of the United States must be rooted in the practice Mr. Trump favors of “peace through strength,”f informed by actual realism and the determination to accept no substitute for victory over our Sharia-supremacist and other mortal enemies.
The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of each member of the Victory Coalition.
To interview Messrs. Gaffney or Guandolo or other representatives of the Victory Coalition, contact Dede Laugesen at [email protected]